Shade Tolerant Plants
Princeton, Pennington, Kingston and Hopewell have many mature properties where large trees provide much shade. These areas tend to have very dry and compacted soil. Core Aeration will allow grass roots to better access water. Plants should have adequate mulch to help retain moisture.
The following list of shade loving plants are your best bet
- Hasta
- Most Ferns
- Primrose
- Astilbe
- Hellebore
- Bleeding Heart
- Lenten Rose
- Brunnera
- Coral Bells
- Begonia
- Phlox
- Boxwood
- Yew
- Oakleaf Hydrangea
- Viburnum
- Ilex Holly
- Red Choice-berry
- Rhododendron
- American Hornbeam
- Sugar Maple
- Sweetbay Magnolia
- Red Maple
- Kousa Dogwood
- Japanese Maple
- Red Buckeye